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辛巳【田宅宮】35-44 天梁 | 壬午【事業宮】45-54 七殺 | 癸未【朋友宮】55-64 陀羅、天鉞 | 甲申【遷移宮】65-74 廉貞、 祿存 |
庚辰【福德宮】25-34 紫微、天相、左輔、文曲 | 庚子年正月十五甲子時生 火貪格 殺破狼格 祿馬交馳格 | 乙酉【疾厄宮】75-84 擎羊 | |
己卯 【父母宮】15-24 天機、巨門 | 丙戌 【財帛宮】85-94 破軍、右弼、文昌、鈴星 | ||
戊寅【命宮】5-14 貪狼、火星、天馬 | 己丑【兄弟宮】115-124 太陽、太陰 | 戊子【夫妻宮】105-114 武曲、天府 | 丁亥【子女宮】95-104 天同、 地空、地劫 |
While some people may be incredibly talented, the reason "successful people are not always the most capable" often boils down to the role of luck, opportunity, and external factors like networking, where the right circumstances and timing can play a significant part in achieving success, even if someone isn't the most technically skilled individual in their field; essentially, success isn't always solely based on raw ability, but also on how well someone can navigate and capitalize on the situations presented to them.