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!!! note If you want to use this component, be sure to either install flashtext manually or use our convenience installer.

python -m pip install "rasa_nlu_examples[flashtext] @ git+"

This entity extractor uses the flashtext library to extract entities.

This is similar to RegexEntityExtractor, but different in a few ways:

  1. FlashTextEntityExtractor uses token-matching to find entities, not regex patterns
  2. FlashTextEntityExtractor matches using whitespace word boundaries. You cannot set it to match words regardless of boundaries.
  3. FlashTextEntityExtractor is much faster than RegexEntityExtractor. This is especially true for large lookup tables.

Also note that anything other than [A-Za-z0-9_] is considered a word boundary. To add more non-word boundaries use the parameter non_word_boundaries

Configurable Variables

  • path: the path to the lookup text file
  • entity_name: the name of the entity to attach to the message
  • case_sensitive: whether to consider case when matching entities. False by default.
  • non_word_boundaries: characters which shouldn't be considered word boundaries.
  • encoding: the name of the encoding used to read the lookup text file.

Base Usage

The configuration below is an example of how you might useFlashTextEntityExtractor.

language: en
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
  analyzer: char_wb
  min_ngram: 1
  max_ngram: 4
- name: rasa_nlu_examples.extractors.FlashTextEntityExtractor
  case_sensitive: False
  path: path/to/file.txt
  entity_name: country
- name: DIETClassifier
  epochs: 100

You must include a plain text file that contains the tokens to detect. Such a file might look like:


In this example, anytime a user's utterance contains an exact match for a country, FlashTextEntityExtractor will extract this as an entity with type country. You should include a few examples with this entity in your intent data, like so:

- intent: inform_home_country
  examples: |
    - I am from [Afghanistan](country)
    - My family is from [Albania](country)